Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ROFLMAO @ United Nations

Dumbass United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights, Navi Pillay, asked the US for facts about the Bin Laden killing. What a fucktard. Dumb bitch showing how irrelevant the United Nations really is. Jack off mental masturbaters known as the U.N. don't ask China for facts, they don't ask Arab, African, and Latin American countries for facts on human rights abuses. They're just a bunch of irrelevant jokers.

The GOP House should totally defund that shit.


Peaceful Solution said...

The entire concept of "human rights" is a lofty idea in principle. However, only liberalized "Western" regimes take the idea seriously. After all, Arabs are technically human. TECHNICALLY. Yet the track record of history shows they have little regard for human rights. Arabs are the most racist people on the planet. Nobody has been better at genocide, both cultural and physical, than the Arab. They do not respect human rights of others so why should we respect theirs? When people mention "grand Islamic civilizations" they usually mention the Ottoman Empire, Saffavid Persia, or the Mughal Empire, neither of which was Arab. The early caliphates were piratical theocratic empires forged by camel-humping Bedouins. Even the good, intelligent, and civilized Arabs such as ibn Khaldun (look him up!) despised the bulk of their cohorts.

In fact, Arabs make better Nazis than the Germans could ever hope to be! There were proposals to sterilize the German nation in the first half of the last century, but after WWII, the Germans have not caused a single problem. That's because the Germans are a highly civilized people occasionally capable of great savagery and barbarism. The Arabs are a highly savage and barbarous people occasionally capable of great civilization.

Ironically, were we to follow MY reasonable proposal: dismantle all the Arab states and make the entire Arab world a corporate colony, the Arab populace would fare much better than they do under their own tyrants! Under such regime, Islamist policies would be limited, anti-natalist policies would be enacted (hopefully reducing their fertility well below replacement level, so as to gradually and peaceably phase out their barbarian race), and the final generations of Arabs would enjoy some semblance of literacy, education, and health. Case in point, burkhas and other cover-all Islamic garments would be banned. Seeing as Arab women are ugly as sin, that alone would drastically curb their fertility.

Contrast that with the current status quo under oil sheiks, military dictarorships, and Islamic republics. Arab women have no rights and are baby factories who wear tents. They breed like rabbits, producing overpopulation, poverty, and squalor. Their population is largely impoverished and illiterate, often struggling to find adequate nutrition or medicine while their corrupt leaders, the gangsters that they are, bask in luxury.

Western corporate overlords can provide better for these poor savages than their own leaders, so long as we get access to their oil wealth.

There is no greater existential threat to the Jewish people than the Arabs. They are the true Amalekites! I of course, do NOT advocate or condone the murder of innocent people (operative word: INNOCENT). However, if we can limit their fecundity, they can live long and prosper so long as they remain domesticated.

Garnel Ironheart said...

Wow, put this guy in a ring with Shalmo and see who walks away.

SJ said...

Shalmo would cheat and bring TNT.

Peaceful Solution said...

Who is this Shalmo fellow? And why does that name sound familiar? From what Garnel Ironheart and SJ say it sounds like he is some sort of Arab and/or Muslim terrorist. The name certainly sounds familiar...

SJ said...

Well, it's kinda funny actually. I'm a jewish born Christian, and Shalmo is a jewish born Islamist.

Peaceful Solution said...

Interesting, a Jew who not only converted to Islam but went "Islamist." Seeing that Islam is nothing more than Arab cultural imperialism, there is no greater irony that I can imagine! I can totally get the idea of a Jew being a self-hating Jew, but to the extent of prostrating himself before the Arab?