Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where I Went Wrong and Where JRK went wrong.

Ok fine. I'm not a bible scholar. I'm one who comments on the politics of the day. It seems JRK is correct that the section of Deuteronomy refers to a case of adultry being put to death. I only pulled up a google search without reading the whole thing. Whatever. Mistakes happen. It did seem weird to me though to say that the bible calls for death for an ordinary premarital sex, as disallowed as it is, I should have read it better. I was under the assumption that it was the only way to do disease prevention in such an early age of history; but then again I'm glad it's not the case.

Wow it's been forever since I've been to a Jewish Torah study, like years. I'm inherently distrustful of jewish interpretations after learning that don't cook a calf in its mothers milk = total separation of meat and dairy & that fire = electricity.

However where JRK went wrong is she tied to take it even further and say that premarital sex isn't even disallowed at all "ooooooooooooooooooooooh see the penalty for premarital sex is marriage" ya sure that's only if it's with the intent of marriage otherwise it's disallowed.

Oh and because I told her to go back to her kitchen, the bitch wrote on her blog that I'm a misogynist. XD I can assure you the reader, I am the exact opposite of a misogynist. XD

With the style that JRK argues, I am certain that I am not the first person to want to drop her an F-bomb, but since she came to my blog and I'll curse when I want to curse.

I am now going to argue in slippery lawyer style like JRK and say I didn't really drop her an f-bomb because I used it as a verb that she should fuck off (go away) instead of using the f word as an adjective to her. XD


Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

> Ok fine. I'm not a bible scholar.

Yet its never stopped you from commenting on the Bible. Since you're good at opining outside your area of expertise, what do you think of dark matter and quantum physics?

> that the bible calls for death for an ordinary premarital sex,

No, it doesn't. Only in certain circumstances such as when the woman is married to someone else, and if the act is publicly witnessed, and if the suspects were warned.

> Wow it's been forever since I've been to a Jewish Torah study, like years.

Yet again you insists on having opinions on the subject.

>ya sure that's only if it's with the intent of marriage otherwise it's disallowed.

No, the Torah specifically notes that the guy must marry the girl even if he doesn't want to and is even forbidden to divorce her against her will later if he wants to.

> Oh and because I told her to go back to her kitchen, the bitch wrote on her blog that I'm a misogynist.

So you proved her point...

> XD I can assure you the reader, I am the exact opposite of a misogynist. XD

You hate men?

instead of using the f word as an adjective to her. XD

Pretty sure just using it is dropping the bomb, dude.

SJ said...

>> Yet its never stopped you from commenting on the Bible. Since you're good at opining outside your area of expertise, what do you think of dark matter and quantum physics?

Everyone comments on everything. Religious people are no exception.

>> So you proved her point...

one comment to a woman who pissed me off is a far stretch from misogyny.

>> Pretty sure just using it is dropping the bomb, dude.

Yeah I know, I'm just sayin if I were to argue in slippery lawyer style.