Thursday, September 2, 2010

Create Or Save Jobs? WTF?

The vid is from a year ago and the issues are still very relevant today.

In the previous thread, Ksil was sharp enough to say- "its not possible to prove that jobs were saved" its also not possible to disprove it."

Right. There is no objective method to measure "jobs created or saved," as Ksil admits, yet Obama touts Created or Saved around as if it was any kind of objective statistic. As both me and Ksil knows, it is not an objective statistic by any means.


Garnel Ironheart said...

What socialist governments do not want to accept is that the private sector is the best source for job creation.
When the government provides a job, nothing is created because more tax dollars are spent to pay the worker than the worker pays back in taxes. The more people that work for the government, the less money the government actually brings in.
When the government provides generous welfare, it discourages people from getting entry level jobs which might, in the future, springboard them to higher paying ones. Why bust my ass to get out of bed at 8 am for $10.25 an hour when I can get $9.50 and get to sleep in until noon?

SJ said...

>> When the government provides a job, nothing is created because more tax dollars are spent to pay the worker than the worker pays back in taxes.

Not only that, an increase of government jobs is NOT an indicator that the economy is getting better for the very reason that it doesn't display a growth of the private sector.

>> When the government provides generous welfare etc. etc.

Not to mention adding onto the national debt and inflating the dollar.

ksil said...

"What socialist governments do not want to accept "


SJ said...

