Sunday, May 27, 2012

After Giving It Much Thought, New 'Findings' To Report:

1) What is spirituality?

Wikipedia says it best:

- ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality;
- an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being; or the
- deepest values and meanings by which people live.

2) Is there an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality?

It would seem to me that the universe has to exist inside something of an ultimate nature aka God; more specifically the mind of God.

3) Is there an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being?

The inner path that judaism describes is kosher and shabbat.

      * I already ceded in earlier thread that shabbat can be useful IIIIIIIIIIIIIF one is a 9-5er.

     * Despite the fact that the rational for banning electronics can be questioned, if electronics are allowed on Shabbat then employers will start to think that sabbath observance is nonsense when one attempts to leave work early for Friday sundown. Just forget about leaving for Yom Tovs.

     * kosher may have some health benefits but kasharut is a metaphysical law that can only be understood metaphysically by acquiring favor from God I guess by consuming foods that the Torah says will energize the soul.

4) questions of deepest values and meanings are for a whole different thread.

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